ACT Government Data API
Where Open Government Data Comes to Life
This API is best for obtaining real-time data, geospatial data and open data repositories from the ACT Government.
This API is a great way for developers to access open government data from the ACT Government. With it, developers can access a variety of real-time, geospatial, and public datasets. It also provides access to data repositories and analytics so developers can use the data to create meaningful long-term strategies from it. Furthermore, developers can use the API to influence data collection and inform long-term data strategies.
Key features
- Search
- filter and access data
- connect with datasets and related publications
- run analytics on large-scale data
- influence data collection and use in long-term strategies.
Potential use cases
- QR Code Scanner: Build an app that uses geospatial data to detect location, scan QR codes and use the data to display local deals and discounts personalized to each user.
- City Dashboard: Create a dashboard with visualizations of multiple data sets such as population, weather and traffic to better inform citizens on various topics of interest.
- Transportation Map: Create a map with real-time data about the availability of public transportation such as buses or trains to enable easy routing for citizens and visitors.
I was able to quickly access real-time data from the ACT Government and use it in my app. I was also able to run analytics and use the insights to drive my product forward. The ACT Government Data API has made programming more efficient and interesting.
Related Technologies
- ABS Statistics API
- ATO Business Portal API
- Australian Transport Safety Bureau Open Data API