Berlin Daten
Your window into the location based data of Berlin
This API is best for accessing data regarding the city of Berlin and its citizens.
A developer should use this API to access the abundance of data available regarding the city of Berlin and its citizens. This data can be used to explore statistics, trends and other information regarding the city. Additionally, the data can be visualized using the digital atlas or JSON APIs. This data can be used to better understand the city and its citizens and also create innovative applications based on the insights gained.
Key features
- Data Catalog
- Open Data Platform
- Digital Atlas
- Data and Map Visualization
- Data of Berlin
Potential use cases
- Smart Transportation: Create an application based on Berlin Daten APIs, for improved public transportation and smarter route planning.
- Safety App: Create an app for better security and improved public safety, that uses crime reports and other collected data from Berlin Daten APIs.
- Citizen Engagement: Design an application to encourage citizens of Berlin to engage in city building initiatives and to access civic services with ease, using data from Berlin Daten APIs.
Berlin Daten has given us the insight we need to not only better understand, but also fully utilize the data collected about the city of Berlin and its citizens. The data has enabled us to create applications with meaningful impact, and we are grateful to Berlin Daten for providing this invaluable service.
Related Technologies
- Open Data Berlin
- Data.De
- Berlin State Data Center