Bitquery GraphQL API
Unlock crypto data insights with Bitquery GraphQL API
This API is best for providing comprehensive digital asset and blockchain data insights.
Developers use this API because of it's comprehensive nature, allowing them to get data insights from multiple crypto and blockchain sources with a single API call. Bitquery GraphQL makes this a seamless process, with subscriptions and templates available so developers don't have to code anything. It also allows developers to extract data from many sources, saving them valuable development time.
Key features
- Subscriptions
- Single API call
- Templates
- Data Extraction from many sources
Potential use cases
- Price notification system: Build a notification system to send price alerts based on user preferences from multiple blockchain CEX and DeFi platforms.
- Analytics dashboard: Create a dashboard for investors to compare performance of digital assets across multiple exchanges and protocols.
- Blockchain explorer: Build a blockchain explorer to track the full lifetime data of blocks, transactions and addresses from multiple ledgers.
Working with Bitquery GraphQL API has been awesome. It has allowed us to create an amazing data dashboard in a fraction of the time thanks to having comprehensive and up-to-date data from multiple blockchain sources.
Related Technologies
- CoinGecko API
- Cryptocompare API