Interactive statistical Poland.
This API is best for collecting, analyzing and visualizing data to gain insight into the socio-economic processes in Poland.
Developers should use this API to access direct statistical data from the public data bases in Poland. With this API, developers can query and download datasets to gain insights into the socio-economic processes in Poland. Various visualizations and online analysis can be created with the data gathered from this API.
Key features
- Access to high-quality statistical data from the public data bases
- API to query and download data
- Integrated system for the exchange of information among government institutions
Potential use cases
- Data Visualization: Create a site that displays interactive, real-time data visualizations based on data from the API
- Public Healthcare Tool: Create an online platform that uses data from the API to provide statistics about healthcare in Poland
- Property Comparison Tool: Create an online tool that uses data from the API to compare property prices in different areas of Poland
Using the Dane API has allowed us to gain invaluable insights into the socio-economic landscape of Poland. The API is reliable and easy to use, we highly recommend it.
Related Technologies
- EUIstat API
- European Data Portal
- Scraping the Web