Exchange Rate API
Get real-time exchange rates in your currency!
This API is best for getting real-time exchange rates in any currency
The Exchange Rate API is a great choice for developers who need access to currency-exchange data for their application or website. The API is lightweight and easy to use, comes with unrestricted access to currency-exchange data and is updated automatically so developers don't need to worry about data staleness. This API also provides developers with multiple currencies support and speed conversions with real-time rates and up to 90-day historical currency rate data.
Key features
- Easy-to-use currency conversion with real-time rates
- unrestricted access to currency-exchange data
- automated updating for currency exchange rates
- multiple currencies support and conversions
- currency rate historicals for up to 90-day history
Potential use cases
- International Payment Processing: Integrate Exchange Rate API to offer cross-border payments with accurate exchange rates
- Currency Calculator App: Create a mobile app that quickly and accurately converts multiple currency at once
- Travel Marketplace: Integrate Exchange Rate API in a travel marketplace to offer localized prices
I needed a reliable currency conversion API and I found the Exchange Rate API to be exactly that. It was incredibly easy to implement and use and I had access to real-time rates and up-to-90 day historical data that I needed for our product. We are very pleased with the results from utilizing this API. Highly recommended!
Related Technologies
- XE Currency
- FX Market
- Currencylayer