The full power and flexibility of GitHub, your favorite version control system.
This API is best for managing projects, managing repositories, and interacting with other GitHub users.
Developers should use this API to automate tasks and extend the capabilities of the GitHub experience. With the GitHub REST API, developers have full access and functionality of GitHub within their applications, such as access and management of user and organization accounts, working with issues and pull requests, creating file contents, kicking off jobs in runners, querying events and top repositories, and more.
Key features
- Accessing and managing user and organization accounts
- working with issues and pull requests
- creating file contents and kicking off jobs in runners
- querying events and top repositories
- and doing much more.
Potential use cases
- Continuous Integration: Use the GitHub REST API to create a continuous integration application that monitors commits and triggers an automated build whenever a change is detected.
- Team Organization: Develop an application using the GitHub REST API that can be used to help manage and organize teams and projects.
- Data Analysis: Use the GitHub REST API to analyze projects and repositories, looking for trends and insights about popular development topics and technologies.
Related Technologies
- Github GraphQL API
- GitLab API
- Bitbucket API