Hasura GraphQL Engine
Modern GraphQL-as-a-Service for your Apps
This API is best for quickly deploying an instant realtime GraphQL backend.
Hasura enables developers to quickly deploy an instant realtime GraphQL backend for your applications that works with your existing database. It is built from PostgreSQL and provides features like authentication and access control, remote Joins, event triggers, and data APIs. It also has a static GraphQL playground for quickly getting started.
Key features
- Realtime GraphQL server
- remote Joins
- Postgres database integration
- authentication and access control
- event triggers
- data APIs
- static hostable GraphQL Playground
Potential use cases
- Realtime Air Quality Monitor: Build a realtime monitor of air quality in a city using sensors that feed into a database. Use Hasura’s database integration, realtime GraphQL server and data APIs to query historic and current air quality data in the city.
- Mobile App Development: Build a mobile app that utilizes a GraphQL backend using Hasura’s remote Joins feature to reduce the time engineers spend writing code. It also provides authentication and access control services so users can access the backend server securely.
- Interactive Events Website: Create an interactive website for organisers of events to post information about their events. Use Hasura’s event triggers feature to enable realtime updates and notifications whenever new events or updates are made.
Related Technologies
- PostGraphile
- Prisma
- AWS AppSync
- Apollo Server