Make research seamless
This API is best for building applications with features for saving and sharing research data in an integrated way.
Developers should use this API to facilitate the sharing of research data across projects and enable organizations to quickly identify and utilize new insight they generate in real-time. The scalability and integration of its data storage and transactions enable organizations to quickly build applications which can store research data securely and use the new insight they gain to support the projects across their organization.
Key features
- Integrated authentication and authorization for projects
- authentication with cloud providers
- access control for data objects
- event-based notifications of changes
- and powerful search capabilities through its schema-less metadata.
Potential use cases
- Data analysis and insights platform: Develop an application to process research data across diverse projects to enable businesses to gain more insights into their data, identify patterns, and forecast outcomes more accurately.
- Time-tracking software: Build an application to help research teams better track and monitor their time spent on research tasks and projects, including incorporating the granting requirements of those tasks and projects.
- Research database: Create a database that stores, organizes and indexes published research data in a single, easy-to-access database available to the research community.
Related Technologies
- GitHub API
- Dropbox API
- Google Drive API
- Box API