Discover the world of bird sounds!
This API is best for finding and streaming digital recordings of birdsongs.
Developers should use the Xeno-Canto API because it provides an easy and license-free way to access a world of bird recordings. With the API, developers can search and stream recordings of birdsongs, download the recordings and share them with the public, find recordings geographically, and access scientific sound catalogues.
Key features
- Search
- streaming and filtering of recordings of birdsongs; license-free downloads and sharing; global map of sound locations; comprehensive set of scientific sound catalogues.
Potential use cases
- Bird Language Translation App: An app that can recognize and translate the different dialects and subtleties of bird language around the world, making use of recordings found through the Xeno-Canto API.
- Artificial Bird Calls Generator: An artificial bird call generator that uses recordings from the Xeno-Canto API as its source material, offering a library of machine-generated bird calls.
- Bird Identification App: An app that can identify bird species and subspecies based on the recordings of its call made through the Xeno-Canto API.
Xeno-Canto has been an incredible resource for my project; I'm amazed by the wealth of quality recordings of birdsongs and have been able to find exactly what I need. Highly recommend!
Related Technologies
- eBird
- BirdNet
- BirdLife