Bubo Reader

Open source, "irrationally minimal" RSS feed reader.

Product Overview

Bubo Reader is an open-source, irrationally minimalist static RSS/Atom/JSON feed reader that allows you to instantly deploy it on Netlify, Glitch, or your own server. This project is designed for those who want a simple, customizable feed reader that can be easily integrated into their workflow.

Main Features

Bubo Reader offers the following key features:

  • Customizable template: The config/template.html file uses Nunjucks templates to let you change how your feeds are displayed. You can modify this template or replace it with another templating engine.
  • Stylize feed output: The public/style.css file allows you to add custom CSS styles to your feed output.
  • JSON feed support: Bubo Reader supports JSON feeds in addition to RSS and Atom.
  • Throttling and batch processing: You can control the number of simultaneous requests (MAXCONNECTIONS) and the delay time between each batch (DELAYMS) in the index.ts file.
  • Instant deployment: Deploy Bubo Reader on Netlify, Glitch, or your own server with ease.

By leveraging these features, you can create a feed reader that suits your unique needs and workflow.


Kriss Feed
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