Channels DVR Server

Flexible server providing a whole home self hosted DVR experience for [Channels](

Product Overview: Channels DVR Server

Channels DVR Server is a self-hosted media server that allows you to watch TV your way. It's a flexible, standalone solution that runs on your computer or NAS device at home, without relying on the cloud. With Channels DVR Server, you can access your TV shows and movies from any TV or device you own, with no need for a subscription or data connection.

Main Features:

Server Features

  • Supports arbitrary numbers of audio and video streams
  • Text chat functionality
  • Recording to disk
  • User status (e.g. "raise hand") and other features
  • Choice of audio and video codecs, including VP8, VP9, H.264, and AV1
  • Simulcast and Scalable Video Coding (SVC) for VP8 and VP9
  • NACK-based loss recovery in both client-to-server and server-to-client directions
  • PLI-based repair and automatic restarting of failed flows on ICE failure
  • Congestion control in the server-to-client direction, using both loss-based and REMB indications
  • Dynamic tuning of buffer sizes depending on clients' RTT
  • Built-in TURN server for NAT traversal
  • Administrative API for managing groups and users over HTTP
  • Choice of password- or token-based authentication (OAuth2-style)
  • Support for the WHIP protocol

Client Features

  • Default JavaScript client with multiparty audio and video support
  • Text chat functionality
  • Supports desktop browsers, mobile browsers (Android and iPhone/iPad), and screen/window sharing
  • Streaming video and audio from disk
  • Activity detection

With Channels DVR Server, you can create a whole-home self-hosted DVR experience that's flexible, customizable, and free from the constraints of cloud-based solutions.


VideoLAN Client (VLC)