
Easy to use, lightweight, standards-compliant wiki engine with a simple syntax allowing reading the data outside the wiki. All data is stored in plain text files, therefore no database is required.

DokuWiki: A Lightweight and Easy-to-Use Wiki Engine

DokuWiki is a simple yet powerful wiki engine that allows users to create and manage content without requiring a database. This file-based wiki engine is designed for ease of use, with a clean and readable syntax that makes it easy to maintain, backup, and integrate with other systems.

Main Features:

  • No Database Required: Everything is stored in plain text files, making installation super easy and allowing users to modify content directly.
  • Hyphae-based Architecture: Hyphae are units of content such as pictures, videos, or text articles that can transclude and link each other, forming a network of hypertext pages.
  • Mycomarkup Syntax: A markup language designed to be unambiguous yet easy to use for authoring hyphae.
  • Categories: Organize hyphae without hierarchy restrictions, with benefits of a category system.
  • History of Changes: Safely store every change in Git, with web feeds for recent changes included.
  • Keyboard-Driven Navigation: Use shortcuts to navigate the wiki.
  • Authorization: Support for plain username-password pairs and Telegram's login widget.
  • Open Graph Support: Make relevant information about each hypha available through OG meta tags for consumption by other software.
  • Interwiki Support: Link between different wikis.

With these features, DokuWiki is an excellent choice for creating a corporate knowledge base, private notebook, software manual, project workspace, or even a customized CMS-intranet. Whether you're looking to create a simple wiki or something more complex, DokuWiki's ease of use and customization options make it an attractive option.


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