
Modern server control panel powered by Docker.

Product Overview

Easypanel is a modern server control panel powered by Docker, designed to make it easy and efficient to manage applications and containers. With Easypanel, users can spin up new services or containers with ease, leveraging the power of Docker for containerization. The platform is highly customizable, allowing developers to connect their projects with GitHub and deploy them reliably.

Main Features

Easypanel offers a range of features that make it an attractive choice for developers and application managers. Some of its key features include:

  • Simple yet powerful: Easypanel is designed to be easy to use, even for those who are new to server management.
  • GitHub integration: Users can connect their projects with GitHub and deploy them reliably using Easypanel.
  • Containerization: Easypanel leverages Docker for containerization, making it easy to manage applications and containers.
  • Customizable: Easypanel is highly customizable, allowing developers to tailor the platform to their specific needs.
  • Reliable deployment: With Easypanel, users can deploy their projects quickly and reliably, without worrying about compatibility issues.

Overall, Easypanel has received praise from its users for its ease of use, flexibility, and reliability. Whether you're a developer or an application manager, Easypanel is definitely worth considering if you need a robust server control panel that's easy to use and highly customizable.


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