
E-commerce platform with essential commerce features. Modular architecture and fully customizable.

EverShop: A Self-Hosted E-commerce Platform with Essential Commerce Features

EverShop is an open-source, NodeJS-based e-commerce platform that offers a range of essential commerce features, including modular architecture and full customization. With EverShop, merchants can create their own online stores that meet their unique needs and branding requirements.

Main Features:

  • Modular Architecture: EverShop's modular design allows for easy integration with other platforms and services.
  • Full Customization: Merchants have complete control over the design and layout of their online store.
  • Essential Commerce Features: EverShop includes a range of features that are essential to e-commerce success, including payment processing, shipping integrations, and more.
  • GraphQL Support: EverShop uses GraphQL to provide fast and efficient data fetching.
  • React-Based UI: The platform's user interface is built using React, making it easy to customize and extend.
  • Fast Refresh: EverShop's Fast Refresh feature provides a live-editing experience, allowing merchants to see changes in seconds.
  • File-System Middleware: Merchants can easily add or remove middleware to extend the platform's functionality.
  • API Routes: EverShop includes API routes for creating custom backend functionality.

With its modular architecture and full customization options, EverShop is an excellent choice for merchants who want a high degree of control over their online stores. The platform's open-source nature also makes it easy to integrate with other platforms and services, allowing merchants to tailor their e-commerce experience to meet their unique needs.


Shopware Community Edition
Spree Commerce
Magento Open Source
Payload CMS
Star history

Star history for EverShop