
Powerful RSS aggregator, able to transform and send articles to many outputs. Single binary, extensible with plugins.

Product Overview

Feedpushr is a powerful RSS aggregator and reader that allows users to collect and transform articles from various sources into multiple output formats. This single binary application is highly extensible, thanks to its open plugin system, which enables developers to create custom data connectors. With features like adaptive layout for mobile support, easy installation, and support for popular databases, Feedpushr makes it simple to aggregate and manage content from multiple feeds.

Main Features

  • Powerful RSS aggregator: Collects articles from various sources and transforms them into multiple output formats.
  • Extensible with plugins: Developers can create custom data connectors using the open plugin system.
  • Adaptive layout for mobile support: Optimized for Android, iOS, and iPad devices.
  • Easy installation: Simply upload and run the lightweight PHP application (around 25 MB).
  • Supports popular databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.
  • RESTful JSON API for developers: Provides a flexible interface for integrating with other applications.
  • Third-party app for Android available: Offers a mobile companion app for easy access to aggregated content.

(Note: The above text is a summary of the product overview and main features of Feedpushr. Please let me know if you would like me to make any changes or add anything else!)


Kriss Feed
RSS Monster
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