Glowing Bear

A web frontend for WeeChat.

Product Overview

Glowing Bear is a web frontend for WeeChat, allowing users to access their WeeChat instances directly from their browsers. With Glowing Bear, users can connect to their WeeChat servers using WebSockets, without the need for any additional backend services. This means that users don't have to install anything extra, and can simply connect to their WeeChat instance through a simple web interface.

Main Features

Glowing Bear is built purely in client-side JavaScript with HTML and CSS, making it lightweight and easy to use. Here are some of the key features:

  • Direct Connection: Glowing Bear uses WebSockets to connect directly to your WeeChat instance, without any intermediary services.
  • Encryption: TLS (Transport Layer Security) is used to secure the connection, handled by your browser.
  • No Third-Party Requests: Users can configure Glowing Bear to make no requests to third-party servers at all, for added security and control.

Overall, Glowing Bear provides a simple and secure way to access WeeChat instances from any web-enabled device. With its lightweight and client-side-only architecture, it's an excellent choice for anyone looking for a hassle-free way to connect to their WeeChat server.

