
Real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal.

Product Overview

GoAccess is an open-source real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal or browser. It provides fast and valuable HTTP statistics for system administrators who require visual server reports in real-time. With its ability to parse various log formats, including Apache, Nginx, and Amazon S3, GoAccess offers a comprehensive solution for monitoring and analyzing web server performance.

Main Features

  • Real-Time Analytics: All panels and metrics are updated every 200 ms on the terminal output and every second on the HTML output.
  • Minimal Configuration Needed: Simply run GoAccess against your access log file, select the log format, and let it parse the access log to show you the stats.
  • Track Application Response Time: Monitor the time taken to serve requests, allowing you to identify pages that are slowing down your site.
  • Nearly All Web Log Formats Supported: Predefined options include Apache, Nginx, Amazon S3, Elastic Load Balancing, CloudFront, and more. Custom log format strings are also supported.
  • Incremental Log Processing: GoAccess allows for incremental processing of logs through on-disk persistence options.
  • Only One Dependency: Written in C, GoAccess only requires the ncurses library as a dependency.
  • Visitors and Metrics: Determine hits, visitors, bandwidth, and metrics for slowest running requests by hour or date.
  • Metrics per Virtual Host: Track which virtual host is consuming most web server resources.
  • ASN (Autonomous System Number mapping): Detect malicious traffic patterns and block them accordingly.
  • Color Scheme Customizable: Tailor GoAccess to your preferred color scheme through the terminal or HTML output.
  • Support for Large Datasets: GoAccess can handle large datasets, making it suitable for production environments.


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