
Self-hosted open-source web gallery to browse personal photos and videos featuring tagging, mobile-friendly, and AI powered image discovery.

Product Overview

HomeGallery is a self-hosted, open-source web gallery designed to help users explore and rediscover their personal photo and video archives. This innovative platform features tagging, mobile-friendly design, and AI-powered image discovery, making it easy for users to browse through their vast media collections.

Main Features

HomeGallery's unique selling points include:

  1. Automatic Similar Images/Reverse Image Search: Discover similar images with just a few clicks.
  2. No-Database Architecture: All search and filtering are done quickly on the client browser, providing a fast and responsive user experience.
  3. Host Your Private Data: Host your private data on your device, even on a Raspberry Pi or other single-board computers (SoCs).
  4. Open-Source Built with Node.js, Express, React, and TypeScript: A robust technology stack ensures the gallery is highly maintainable and extensible.
  5. Photo and Video Preview Calculation: Quickly generate thumbnails for large media collections.
  6. Mobile-Friendly Design and PWA Support: Access your gallery seamlessly on-the-go or as a simple mobile app.
  7. Face and Object Detection: Identify people, objects, and scenes in your images with AI-powered recognition.
  8. Reverse GEO Lookup (Geo Locations to Addresses Translations): Convert geographic coordinates into addresses for enhanced discovery.
  9. Tagging with Multi-Selection: Organize your media using custom tags and multi-select capabilities.
  10. Media Search with Boolean Operands: Use 'and', 'or', or 'not' operators to refine your search results.
  11. Static Site Export: Run HomeGallery without a backend service, perfect for simple deployments.

Read the Documentation

For more information on HomeGallery's architecture and internals, please refer to the documentation provided by the project maintainers.


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