
Koillection is a service allowing users to manage any kind of collections.

Koillection: A Self-Hosted Website for Managing Collections

Koillection is a self-hosted website that allows users to manage various types of collections, including items, signs, tags, and wishlists. With Koillection, you have full control over your data and can choose to share your collections with others while retaining control over what they can see. The platform also enables you to invite others to manage their own collections independently on your server.

Main Features of Koillection

  • Collections Management: Manage various types of collections, including items, signs, tags, and wishlists.
  • Sharing: Choose to share your collections with others while retaining control over what they can see.
  • Invitations: Invite others to manage their own collections independently on your server.
  • Private Storage: Store everything on your own server, giving you full control over your data.
  • Progressive Web App (PWA): Enjoy a seamless experience on your smartphone or tablet with Koillection's PWA functionality.
  • Open-Source: Koillection is completely open-source and available on GitHub, allowing you to use, edit, and improve the code.


Cozy Cloud
Countly Community Edition
Kasm Workspaces
Star history

Star history for Koillection