Libre Translate

Free and Open Source Machine Translation API, entirely self-hosted.

Product Overview

Libre Translate is a free and open-source machine translation API that allows you to self-host your translation engine. With Libre Translate, you can enjoy the benefits of machine translation without relying on third-party services or compromising your data security. This project is built with React/ReactNative stack and connects to headless Ever Gauzy Platform APIs.

Main Features

Libre Translate offers a robust feature set that makes it an ideal choice for teams and organizations looking to manage their translation workflow efficiently. Some of the key features include:

  • Machine Translation: Libre Translate uses Argos Translate, which powers the translation engine, to provide high-quality machine translations.
  • Offline Capable: Libre Translate is designed to be offline capable, making it perfect for use cases where internet connectivity is limited or unreliable.
  • Easy Setup: The project is easy to set up and requires minimal technical expertise.
  • Custom Properties: You can customize properties of your translation workflow to suit your specific needs.
  • Translation Management Platform: Libre Translate integrates with the Ever Gauzy Platform, which provides a comprehensive translation management platform for teams.

By leveraging the power of machine learning and natural language processing, Libre Translate empowers users to manage their translation workflow effectively, without compromising on data security or relying on third-party services.


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Collabora Online Development Edition
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