Manticore Search

Full-text search and data analytics, with fast response time for small, medium and big data (alternative to Elasticsearch).

Product Overview

Manticore Search is an open-source, full-text search and data analytics platform that offers fast response times for small, medium, and big datasets. It's designed as a drop-in replacement for Elasticsearch, providing a SQL-first syntax and compatibility with the MySQL protocol. Manticore Search is optimized for performance, utilizing multithreading architecture, query parallelization, and cost-based query optimization.

Main Features

  1. Fast Response Time: With its modern multithreading architecture and efficient query parallelization capabilities, Manticore Search can fully utilize all your CPU cores to achieve the quickest response times possible.
  2. Full-Text Search: The powerful and speedy full-text search works seamlessly with both small and large datasets, making it an excellent alternative to Elasticsearch.
  3. Row-Wise Storage: Manticore offers row-wise storage for small, medium, and big size datasets, allowing you to handle various data sizes efficiently.
  4. Columnar Storage Support: For even larger datasets, Manticore provides columnar storage support through the Manticore Columnar Library, capable of handling datasets too big to fit in RAM.
  5. Secondary Indexes: Performant secondary indexes are automatically created, saving you time and effort.
  6. SQL-First Syntax: Manticore is SQL-first, utilizing SQL as its native syntax, and offers compatibility with the MySQL protocol, allowing you to use your preferred MySQL client.
  7. Client Libraries: With clients available in PHP, Python, JavaScript, Typescript, Java, Elixir, and Go, integration with Manticore Search becomes easy.
  8. HTTP JSON Protocol: Manticore also provides a programmatic HTTP JSON protocol for more versatile data and schema management.
  9. Real-Time Inserts: With real-time inserts, newly added documents are immediately accessible.
  10. Low-Level Optimizations: Built in C++, Manticore Search starts quickly and uses minimal RAM, with low-level optimizations contributing to its impressive performance.

By leveraging these features, Manticore Search provides a robust and efficient solution for full-text search and data analytics, making it an excellent choice for those seeking an alternative to Elasticsearch.

