
Noosfero is a web platform for social and solidarity economy networks with blog, e-Portfolios, CMS, RSS, thematic discussion, events agenda and collective intelligence for solidarity economy in the same system.

Noosfero: A Web Platform for Social and Solidarity Economy Networks

Noosfero is a comprehensive web platform designed to facilitate social and solidarity economy networks. This innovative platform offers a range of features, including blog, e-Portfolios, CMS, RSS, thematic discussion, events agenda, and collective intelligence tools. Noosfero aims to create a collaborative environment where individuals and organizations can share knowledge, resources, and ideas, ultimately promoting a more equitable and sustainable economy.

Main Features

  1. Blog: A blogging platform for sharing thoughts, experiences, and expertise.
  2. E-Portfolios: Personal or organizational portfolios that showcase achievements, projects, and goals.
  3. CMS: A content management system for creating and managing content.
  4. RSS: Real Simple Syndication feeds allow users to subscribe to updates from other Noosfero members.
  5. Thematic Discussion: A platform for in-depth discussions on specific topics, fostering collective intelligence and knowledge sharing.
  6. Events Agenda: A calendar of events, workshops, and meetups for solidarity economy initiatives.
  7. Collective Intelligence: Tools for collaborative problem-solving, idea generation, and decision-making.

By leveraging open source technology, Noosfero offers flexibility, customization, and extensibility, making it an ideal platform for organizations seeking to empower their social and solidarity economy networks.


Local Food Nodes
Simply Shorten
Simple NixOS Mailserver