Open Food Network

Online marketplace for local food. It enables a network of independent online food stores that connect farmers and food hubs with individuals and local businesses.

Open Food Network: Empowering Local Food Systems

The Open Food Network is an online, open-source, and not-for-profit platform that enables a network of independent food stores to connect farmers and food hubs with individuals and local businesses. This innovative project allows for transparency in the supply chain and maximizes returns to the people who produce our food.

Main Features:

  • Open Source Software: The Open Food Network is built on open-source software, making it a collaborative effort among developers, farmers, and consumers.
  • Online Marketplace: A growing network of food producers and small-scale retailers have access to a rich variety of routes to market, enabling transparency and fair returns for all parties involved.
  • Community Engagement: The Open Food Network is part of a global movement, encouraging individuals to get involved through volunteering, interning, or advising.
  • Global Affiliates: Supported by the Open Food Foundation and a network of global affiliates, the project aims to disrupt the concentration of power in global agri-food systems.
  • Fairer Distribution: Farmers and food hubs can distribute their products more easily and fairly through the platform.
  • User Guide: A comprehensive guide is available for users, providing tutorials on how to use the platform and access various features.

By contributing to the Open Food Network, individuals can be part of a movement that promotes localized food systems, community food enterprises, sustainability, regenerative agriculture, food security, and food sovereignty.


Local Food Nodes
Star history

Star history for Open Food Network