
A budgeting app based on the Bucket Budgeting Principle.

OpenBudgeteer: A Budgeting App Based on the Bucket Budgeting Principle

OpenBudgeteer is a budgeting app that simplifies personal finance management by following the Bucket Budgeting Principle. Inspired by You Need a Budget (YNAB) and Buckets, this self-hosted application helps users track their expenses, create budgets, and stay on top of their financial goals.

Main Features:

  1. MariaDB Integration: OpenBudgeteer uses MariaDB as its database management system, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval of user data.
  2. Blazor Server Frontend: The app's frontend is built using Blazor Server, providing a seamless and interactive user experience.
  3. Connection Provider: The Connection Provider setting allows users to configure their MariaDB connection details, ensuring secure and reliable access to their budgeting data.
  4. Environment Variables: OpenBudgeteer supports environment variables for configuring app settings, such as culture and theme preferences.
  5. Docker Support: The app can be easily deployed using Docker, simplifying the setup process and allowing for easy scaling and maintenance.

With OpenBudgeteer, users can create personalized budgets, track expenses, and receive insightful financial reports to help them achieve their goals. Whether you're looking for a simple and intuitive budgeting tool or a robust personal finance management system, OpenBudgeteer has got you covered.


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