Quassel IRC

Distributed IRC client, meaning that one (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core.

Product Overview

Quassel IRC is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client that allows users to attach and detach from a central core, similar to the combination of screen and WeeChat but graphical. This unique feature enables seamless communication with peers on various platforms, including Linux, Windows, MacOS X, and Android smartphones. With Quassel IRC, users can enjoy a pleasurable and comfortable chatting experience, making it both convenient and ubiquitous.

Main Features

  • Distributed IRC client: Attach and detach from a central core, similar to screen and WeeChat.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: Supports Linux, Windows, MacOS X, and Android smartphones.
  • Graphical interface: Offers a comfortable and intuitive chatting experience.
  • Modular design: Allows for easy customization and extension of features.
  • Free and open-source: Distributed under the GPL, making it free as in beer and speech.
  • Community-focused: Developed by the Quassel IRC development team, with a focus on supporting communities close to them, such as Qt, KDE, Gentoo, and Ubuntu/kubuntu.


Icecast 2
Star history

Star history for Quassel IRC