
Rygel is a UPnP AV MediaServer that allows you to easily share audio, video, and pictures. Media player software may use Rygel to become a MediaRenderer that may be controlled remotely by a UPnP or DLNA Controller.

Rygel: A Home Media Solution for Sharing Audio, Video, and Pictures

Rygel is a UPnP AV MediaServer that allows you to easily share audio, video, and pictures with other devices on your network. This media server solution enables you to browse and play media stored on your PC via a TV or PS3, even if the original content is in a format that the TV or PS3 cannot play.

Main Features of Rygel

Rygel's key features include:

  • Media Sharing: Easily share audio, video, and pictures with other devices on your network.
  • Format Conversion: Rygel converts media formats on-the-fly to ensure compatibility with client devices.
  • Plug-in Mechanism: Most Rygel functionality is implemented through a plug-in mechanism, making it easy to extend the media server's capabilities.
  • Media Player Control: Media player software can use Rygel to become a MediaRenderer that may be controlled remotely by a UPnP or DLNA Controller.
  • Interoperability: Rygel achieves interoperability with other devices in the market by conforming to the strict requirements of DLNA and by converting media on-the-fly to formats that client devices can handle.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Browse and play media using a phone, TV, or PC, with easy search and playback functionality.

With Rygel, you can redirect sound output to DLNA speakers, making it a convenient solution for streaming audio content. Additionally, the project provides shared libraries (librygel-server, librygel-core, etc.) that can be used to implement plugins, media engines, standalone renderers, or even replacement UPnP/DLNA servers.


Open Streaming Platform
MiroTalk SFU