
Django based open-sourced e-commerce storefront.

Product Overview:

Saleor is an open-source e-commerce storefront built using Django, offering a comprehensive platform for managing online sales. The latest version, 3.4, marks a significant overhaul of the original software, utilizing CodeIgniter 4 as a framework and Bootstrap 3 with Bootswatch themes. This enhanced version boasts improved functionality and security.

Main Features:

Saleor's key features include:

  • Stock Management: Manage items, kits, and attributes, along with VAT, GST, customer, and multi-tier taxation.
  • Sale Register: Log transactions and keep track of sales, quotations, and invoices.
  • Expenses Logging: Record and manage expenses for your business.
  • Cash Up Function: Easily manage cash flow and register transactions.
  • Printing and Emailing: Print or email receipts, invoices, and quotations as needed.
  • Barcode Generation and Printing: Generate and print barcodes for products.
  • Customer and Supplier Database: Store and manage customer and supplier information.
  • Multiuser with Permission Control: Assign permissions to multiple users and control access levels.
  • Reporting: Access sales, orders, expenses, inventory status, and more through detailed reports.
  • Receivings: Manage receivables and track incoming payments.
  • Gift Cards and Rewards: Offer customers gift cards and loyalty rewards.
  • Restaurant Tables: Manage restaurant tables and seating arrangements.
  • Messaging (SMS): Send SMS messages to customers and suppliers.
  • Multilanguage Support: Offer products in multiple languages for a global customer base.
  • Selectable UI Theme: Choose from various Bootstrap-based themes using Bootswatch.
  • Mailchimp Integration: Integrate with Mailchimp for email marketing campaigns.
  • Optional Google reCAPTCHA: Protect your login page from brute-force attacks with optional reCAPTCHA integration.
  • GDPR Ready: Ensure compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards.

Live Demo: Take Saleor for a spin and test its features in our live demo, accessible at [insert link]. Use the following credentials to log in:

  • Username: admin


Spree Commerce
Cozy Cloud
Star history

Star history for Saleor