VoIP troubleshooting and monitoring platform.

Product Overview:

SIP3 is a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) troubleshooting and monitoring platform designed to provide real-time insights into network performance. This end-to-end solution enables organizations to deliver an impeccable communication service, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. With SIP3, users can monitor live calls, troubleshoot issues on the go, and gain valuable insights into their network's performance.

Main Features:

  1. Real-time Analytics Dashboard: Monitor live calls and troubleshoot issues in real-time, providing customers with immediate insights.
  2. Industry-top Performance: Grow and scale your business without sacrificing data, thanks to SIP3's instant analytics capabilities.
  3. Easy-to-Use Interface: Focus on your work and stay efficient with a clean and user-friendly interface that makes training a breeze.
  4. OpenAPI Integration: Seamlessly integrate SIP3 OpenAPI with any external platform or solution, allowing for flexible customization.
  5. Customizable Search: Troubleshoot non-standard call flows with ease using SIP3's customizable search capabilities.

By choosing SIP3, organizations can delight their customers with an impeccable communication service, improve customer experience, and drive business success.

To learn more about SIP3, visit the project discussion forum or explore the GitHub repository.


SIP Irrigation Control
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Star history for SIP3