
A self-hosted, file based task management board that supports Markdown syntax.

Product Overview

Tasks.md is a self-hosted task management board that allows users to manage their tasks using Markdown syntax. It's a file-based system, where each task is represented as a Markdown file. This means that you can easily create, edit, and organize your tasks in a way that feels natural to you.

Main Features

Tasks.md offers a range of features that make it a powerful tool for managing your tasks. Some of the key features include:

  • Markdown-based task creation: Write your tasks as Markdown files, which allows for easy formatting and organization.
  • Customizable themes: Choose from three default color themes (Adwaita, Nord, and Catppuccin) to customize the look and feel of your task board.
  • Light and dark themes: Tasks.md automatically syncs with your operating system's theme settings, so you can switch between light and dark modes easily.
  • Heavily customizable: Use environment variables to customize various aspects of the application, such as the base path, local image cleanup interval, and more.
  • PWA installation: Tasks.md can be installed as a Progressive Web App (PWA), which allows you to access your task board from anywhere, without needing to open a browser.
  • Repository files navigation: View and navigate through repository files, including the README file and MIT license.

Overall, Tasks.md offers a unique blend of flexibility, customization, and ease of use, making it an attractive option for anyone looking for a self-hosted task management solution.


Cozy Cloud