
Password manager dedicated for managing passwords in a collaborative way. One symmetric key is used to encrypt all shared/team passwords and stored server side in a file and the database. works on any server Apache, MySQL and PHP.

Teampass: A Self-Hosted Password Manager for Collaborative Teams

Teampass is a free, open-source password manager designed specifically for managing passwords in a collaborative way among team members. This self-hosted solution allows teams to securely share and manage their passwords, with a single symmetric key used to encrypt all shared passwords and store them on the server-side in both a file and database.

Main Features of Teampass

Teampass offers a wide range of features that enable organized password management and access control. Some of its key features include:

  • Customization: Teampass is highly customizable, allowing teams to tailor their instance to fit their specific needs and constraints.
  • Security: Teampass prioritizes security with encryption using the Defuse PHP Encryption library, ensuring data and user protection at multiple levels.
  • Fine-Tuning Access Rights: The solution allows for fine-tuning of access rights to existing items, enabling teams to define and enforce local policies for accessing shared data.

With Teampass, teams can rest assured that their password management needs are met while maintaining control over their sensitive information.


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