TileServer GL

Vector and raster maps with GL styles. Server side rendering by Mapbox GL Native. Map tile server for Mapbox GL JS, Android, iOS, Leaflet, OpenLayers, GIS via WMTS, etc.

TileServer GL Overview

TileServer GL is a powerful map tile server that enables the rendering of vector and raster maps with customizable styles using Mapbox GL Native. This server-side rendered tile server supports various clients, including Mapbox GL JS, Android, iOS, Leaflet, OpenLayers, and GIS applications via WMTS. With TileServer GL, you can create custom map tiles for your web or mobile application, providing a scalable and efficient way to display maps on your platform.

Main Features

TileServer GL offers the following key features:

  1. Vector and Raster Map Rendering: Render vector maps with customizable styles using Mapbox GL Native, as well as raster images.
  2. Customizable Styles: Define custom map styles using JSON files, allowing you to tailor the appearance of your maps to suit your application's needs.
  3. Server-Side Rendering: Leverage server-side rendering for improved performance and reduced load on your client-side applications.
  4. Support for Various Clients: Seamlessly integrate with a range of clients, including Mapbox GL JS, Android, iOS, Leaflet, OpenLayers, and GIS applications via WMTS.
  5. WMTS Capabilities: Comply with the Web Mapping Tile Service (WMTS) specification, enabling integration with popular GIS and mapping tools.

These features make TileServer GL an ideal solution for developers seeking a powerful and customizable map tile server for their projects.


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