Author-friendly flat-file-cms with a visual markdown editor based on vue.js.
Typemill is an innovative, open-source project that enables users to create websites, eBooks, and PDFs from a single Markdown source. This lightweight, flat-file CMS is designed for simple, fast, and flexible publishing experiences. With its intuitive author-friendly interface, Typemill is perfect for small enterprises, organizations, and individuals who want to craft documentations, manuals, reports, wikis, knowledge bases, and more.
Main Features
Typemill's key features include:
- Author-friendly Markdown editor: A visual editor based on Vue.js that makes it easy to create and edit content.
- Flat-file CMS: No database required, making Typemill a lightweight and fast solution for publishing websites and eBooks.
- Theme customization: Choose from beautiful themes or code your own with HTML and Twig.
- Plugin integration: Download useful plugins or code your own with PHP and Vue.js to extend the functionality of your project.
- PDF and eBook generation: Easily create PDFs and ePubs from your Markdown content.
- Custom properties: Customize your project's layout, design, and functionality to suit your needs.
- MIT License: Open-source software that allows for free use, modification, and distribution.
With its robust feature set and ease of use, Typemill is an excellent choice for anyone looking to create professional-looking publications without the need for extensive coding knowledge.
Note Mark
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