
Microservices Status Page. Monitors a distributed infrastructure and sends alerts (Slack, SMS, etc.).

Summary: Vigil is an open-source Microservices Status Page that monitors a distributed infrastructure and sends alerts to configured channels such as Slack, SMS, or email. It's designed for microservices contexts to monitor both apps and backends, providing a single pane of glass for monitoring and alerting on service status changes.

Main Features:

  • Infrastructure Monitoring: Vigil automatically monitors your infrastructure services, notifying you when a service goes down or comes back up via configured channels (Email, Twilio SMS, Slack, Zulip, Telegram, Pushover, Gotify, XMPP, Matrix, Cisco Webex, and Webhook).
  • Status Page Generation: Vigil generates a status page that can be hosted on your domain for public users (e.g.,
  • Announcement Publishing: Vigil allows publishing announcements to notify users about planned maintenance or other important updates.
  • Multi-Service Support: Vigil supports three types of services: HTTP/TCP/ICMP, Application Services, and Local Services.

Overall, Vigil provides a robust monitoring solution for distributed infrastructure, enabling teams to quickly respond to service outages and maintain high levels of availability.


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