WebThings Gateway

WebThings is an open source implementation of the Web of Things, including the WebThings Gateway and the WebThings Framework.

Product Overview

WebThings Gateway is an open-source smart home hub that allows you to host your own private smart home system. It's built on top of the W3C Web of Things standards, ensuring interoperability and security for all your connected devices. The gateway provides a unified web interface to monitor and control your smart home devices, automate tasks with rules engines, and visualize device status on an interactive floorplan.

Main Features

  1. Unified Web Interface: Monitor and control all your smart home devices through a single, intuitive web interface.
  2. Rules Engine: Automate tasks with a simple drag-and-drop interface that allows you to create "if this then that" style rules for your smart home.
  3. Floorplan: Visualize device status on an interactive floorplan of your home for at-a-glance control and monitoring.
  4. Logging: Log sensor data over time to identify trends, spot anomalies, and make optimizations.
  5. Add-ons: Expand compatibility with more devices and protocols using adapter add-ons.

With WebThings Gateway, you can rest assured that your smart home is secure, private, and interoperable, giving you the freedom to control and automate your devices in a way that suits your needs.


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