
A databaseless markdown flat-file wiki engine.

What is WikiDocs?

WikiDocs is a self-hosted, databaseless markdown flat-file wiki engine that allows users to create and manage content without the need for a traditional database. The entire system is based on plain files, making installation easy and allowing users to modify content directly. At its core, WikiDocs uses a unique concept called "hyphae" - units of content such as text articles, pictures, or videos that can be linked and transcluded to form a network of interconnected pages.

Main Features

Some of the key features of WikiDocs include:

  • Hyphae: Units of content that can be linked and transcluded to form a network of interconnected pages.
  • Mycomarkup: A markup language designed to be unambiguous yet easy to use for authoring hyphae.
  • Categories: Allow users to organize hyphae without hierarchical restrictions, with all the benefits of a category system.
  • Nesting: Supports nesting of hyphae if users prefer a hierarchical approach.
  • History of changes: Every change is safely stored in Git, and web feeds for recent changes are included.
  • Keyboard-driven navigation: Users can navigate using keyboard shortcuts, with a list of available shortcuts accessible by pressing ?.
  • Authorization: Supports plain username-password pairs and Telegram's login widget for controlling access to content.
  • Open Graph support: Makes relevant information about each hypha available through OG meta tags for consumption by other software.
  • Interwiki support: Allows linking and referencing between different wiki engines.

In the following sections, we'll dive deeper into the features and benefits of WikiDocs.


Star history

Star history for WikiDocs