
Scalable no-SPOF IMAP/POP3 mail server.

Product Overview: WildDuck Mail Server

WildDuck is a modern, scalable mail server software that provides first-class support for IMAP and POP3 protocols. Designed to handle large numbers of email accounts with large quotas, WildDuck is an opinionated solution that is built around the principles of scalability and Unicode-first design. By using a distributed database (sharded + replicated MongoDB) as its backend, WildDuck can store all data, including emails, in a scalable and efficient manner.

Main Features:

  • Scalability: WildDuck is designed to scale horizontally, making it suitable for large-scale email deployments with thousands of accounts.
  • IMAP/POP3 Protocol Support: WildDuck provides first-class support for IMAP, ensuring that any email client can connect and access emails. POP3 protocol support is also included.
  • Unicode-First Design: WildDuck is designed to work seamlessly with Unicode-related extensions, including email addresses, folder names, and message headers.
  • Advanced Security Features: WildDuck includes features such as Application-Specific Passwords, multi-factor authentication (including TOTP and U2F), rate-limited authentication attempts, and logging of security events.
  • Stateless Architecture: All WildDuck instances are stateless, making it easy to add more application servers behind a TCP load balancer to increase throughput.

Overall, WildDuck is an innovative mail server solution that offers a unique combination of scalability, Unicode-first design, and advanced security features.


Dada Mail
Stalwart Mail Server
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