
Self-Hosted, Twitter™-like Decentralised micro-logging platform. No ads, no tracking, your content, your data.

What is Yarn.Social?

Yarn.Social is a decentralized, self-hosted social media platform that prioritizes privacy and transparency. Built on the Twtxt format with extensions, this platform allows users to host their own feeds and interact with others in an open and transparent manner. With no ads, tracking, or personal information collected or stored, Yarn.Social offers a unique approach to online communication.

Main Features of Yarn.Social

  • Decentralized architecture: Yarn.Social is based on the Twtxt format with extensions, allowing users to host their own feeds and interact with others in an open and transparent manner.
  • No ads or tracking: The platform does not collect any personally identifiable information from users, nor does it send, sell, or transfer any data to third parties.
  • Self-hosted option: Users can run a Yarn.Social instance on their own server, using a "compatible" client of their choice or writing a new one that implements the specifications.
  • Twtxt format with extensions: The platform builds upon the Twtxt specification and extends it with additional features to improve interaction and usability.
  • Community-driven: Yarn.Social is an ecosystem that relies on community participation and contribution, with no mandatory requirements for users to adopt specific extensions or protocols.
  • Open-source: The project is open-source, allowing developers to contribute to the codebase and create new tools and clients that implement the specifications.

Overall, Yarn.Social offers a unique approach to social media, prioritizing privacy, transparency, and community-driven development.

