
Web based audio/video streaming application.

Product Overview

Ampache is a web-based audio/video streaming application and file manager that allows users to access their music and videos from anywhere, using almost any internet-enabled device. This project does not aim to be a media organizer but rather presents an already organized collection in a useful way. To get the most out of Ampache, users need to be able to extract correct metadata from embedded tags in files and/or file names.

Main Features

Ampache's key features include:

  • Music collection: Browse and manage your music collection through a simple web interface, synchronizing local and remote catalogs for a unique consistent collection.
  • Music streaming: Stream your music to your preferred player, control it with Localplay, or directly listen on the web page with an HTML5 player.
  • Open source: Completely free and open-source since 2001, licensed under AGPLv3.
  • Ampache everywhere: Listen to your music from your phone, tablet, or television using a compatible client.

These features make Ampache a powerful tool for managing and streaming audio/video content, providing users with the ability to access their media collections from anywhere.


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