
Simple Content Platform to manage any structured content.

Cockpit: A Headless Content Platform for the Modern Web

Cockpit is a simple, yet powerful content platform designed to manage structured content for various applications. Whether you're building a website, mobile application, or Single-Page Application (SPA), Cockpit provides a lightweight and flexible backend to power your content. This open-source platform offers a straightforward way to manage content, especially when you need a flexible structure and a simple API to fetch content.

Main Features of Cockpit

Cockpit comes with a range of features that make it an ideal choice for creators, marketers, and developers alike. Some of the key features include:

  • Content Hub: A centralized hub for managing structured content models
  • Multichannel: Support for distributing content across multiple channels
  • Localization: Easy localization support for globalizing your content
  • Roles & Permissions: Granular control over user roles and permissions
  • Revisions: Version control for tracking changes to your content
  • Open-Source: Built on an open-source foundation, making it customizable and extensible
  • Image API: A built-in image processing API for handling images and other media

With these features, Cockpit provides a robust platform for managing structured content, enabling you to focus on building creative solutions. Whether you're looking to ignite your creativity, boost your marketing efforts, or craft limitless digital solutions, Cockpit is the perfect companion for your next project.


Cozy Cloud
Kasm Workspaces
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