
Cosmos is a self-hosted platform for running server applications securely and with built-in privacy features. It acts as a secure gateway to your application, as well as a server manager.

Product Overview

Cosmos is a self-hosted platform designed to provide a secure gateway for running server applications with built-in privacy features. It acts as a comprehensive server manager, offering real-time monitoring and customizable alerts, disk management, and advanced security features to protect your data.

Main Features

DNS Management

Like PiHole, Cosmos includes a built-in Domain Name System (DNS) that provides an additional layer of security for your domain.

Monitoring and Alerts

Cosmos offers persistent real-time monitoring with customizable alerts and notifications. This ensures you're notified promptly in case of any issue or potential problem.

Disk Management

The platform allows you to manage, format, and partition disks, using features like Parity Disks and MergerFS to protect your data. It also includes S.M.A.R.T. disk monitoring for advanced storage management.

Security Features

Cosmos has a strong focus on security, providing several features to safeguard your self-hosted applications:

  • Smart-Shield: Exclusive technology dedicated to keeping your applications safe from hackers and bots.
  • Anti-Bot and Anti-DDOS: Mitigates traffic to prioritize your access and protect against attacks.
  • SSO: Secure Single Sign-On for multiple users, privileges, and customizations.
  • Modern Security: Utilizes top-grade EdDSA encryption, 2FA, and more best practices in security.
  • Containers: Enforces strong security in your setup, unlike Docker's inherent insecurities.
  • VPN: Uses a VPN to ensure your server remains secure and inaccessible from the internet.

Community and Licensing

Cosmos is an open-source project licensed under the Apache 2.0 Licence with the Commons Clause 1.0. This allows for free use, modification, and redistribution, but prohibits selling or using it as a service-based product (e.g., SaaS or PaaS).


Cosmos offers a comprehensive solution for self-hosted applications, providing a secure gateway, real-time monitoring, disk management, and advanced security features. Its open-source nature and flexible licensing allow for widespread adoption and modification, making it an attractive option for those seeking a reliable and secure platform for their server applications.


Kasm Workspaces
Technitium DNS Server
Zenko CloudServer
Tandoor Recipes
Star history

Star history for Cosmos