
Share encrypted secrets cross organizations, or as private persons.

Product Overview

Hemmelig is a self-hosted software solution that enables secure sharing of sensitive information across organizations or private individuals. The platform allows users to create secret links that can be shared with others, while ensuring the encryption and decryption processes are done on the client-side, without storing any decryption keys on the server.

Main Features

Hemmelig offers a range of features that ensure the security and confidentiality of sensitive information:

  • Client-side encryption: Encrypts text, files, and other data in the client, making it impossible for the server to access clear-text data.
  • Text formatting and inline image upload: Enables users to format their text and upload images directly into the secret link.
  • Encrypted file upload (for signed-in users): Allows users to securely upload files to share with others.
  • Secret lifetime: Sets a maximum duration for each secret link, ensuring that sensitive information is not shared indefinitely.
  • Set max views per secret: Restricts the number of times a secret link can be accessed by setting a maximum view count.
  • Optional encrypted title, password protection, and IP address restriction: Adds an additional layer of security by allowing users to set passwords, restrict access based on IP addresses, or use an encrypted title for their secrets.
  • QR Code of the secret link: Provides a quick and easy way to share secrets via QR code scanning.
  • Decryption key part of the URL: Ensures that decryption keys are never stored on the server, providing an extra layer of security.

Additionally, Hemmelig offers support for command-line interfaces (CLI), integration with Prisma using SQLite, public pastes, and more.


Stalwart JMAP
Stalwart SMTP
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