
Work management and collaboration.

Kantree Overview

Kantree is a self-hosted work management platform that enables teams to collaborate and manage projects efficiently. With Kantree, users can plan, share, manage, and execute tasks, projects, workflows, and more. The platform offers a high degree of flexibility, allowing teams to use any methodology, traditional or agile.

Main Features

Kantree's key features include:

  • Dashboards & Cross-Project Views: Explore workspaces and access full cross-project support to get a comprehensive picture.
  • Forms: Customizable forms to collect requests that can be integrated into your workflow.
  • Workflow & Automations: A powerful workflow management engine from start to finish, allowing for seamless automation of tasks.
  • Solutions: Kantree offers solutions tailored to specific industries and workflows, including Digital Transformation, Kanban, Process Management, Project Management, Remote Work, Scrum, and Team Collaboration.

These features enable teams to streamline their work processes, enhance collaboration, and increase productivity. With Kantree, teams can bring together all necessary tools in a single workspace, rather than relying on multiple tools spread across different platforms.


Kanban Tool
Active Collab