
Framework and javascript free privacy respecting meta search engine.

LibreX: A Framework for Free and Private Meta Search Engine

LibreX is an open-source framework designed to provide a free and private meta search engine solution. The project aims to create a platform that respects user privacy, allowing users to conduct searches without being tracked or monitored by third-party organizations. LibreX leverages JavaScript technology to deliver its functionality, ensuring seamless integration with various devices and platforms.

Main Features of LibreX

  1. Private Search Engine: LibreX is built to prioritize user privacy, allowing users to search the internet without being tracked or monitored.
  2. JavaScript-Based Framework: The project utilizes JavaScript technology to provide a robust and scalable platform for its meta search engine functionality.
  3. Open-Source Development: LibreX is an open-source project, encouraging collaboration and contributions from developers worldwide.
  4. Community Support: The project offers community support through the Discourse forum ( and Matrix (, where users can discuss issues or provide feedback.
  5. Free and Open-Source Licensing: LibreX is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL-3.0), ensuring that the software remains free for anyone to use, modify, or distribute.

By participating in the LibreX project, you agree to abide by its terms and contribute to the development process outlined in the contributing guide. For any questions or problems using the software, please visit the Discourse forum or contact the team through Matrix.


Star history

Star history for LibreX