Online lab notebook for research labs. Store experiments, use a database to find reagents or protocols, use trusted timestamping to legally timestamp an experiment, export as pdf or zip archive, share with collaborators….

Product Overview

eLabFTW (Electronic Lab Notebook For The World) is a free and open-source online lab notebook designed specifically for research labs. It allows researchers to store, organize, and collaborate on their experiments, reagents, protocols, and other essential data. With eLabFTW, users can access their lab notebooks from anywhere in the world, using any device or operating system.

Main Features

eLabFTW offers a wide range of features that make it an ideal solution for research labs. Some of its key features include:

  • Lab Notebook: A digital space to record and organize experiments
  • Database: Store and manage various types of objects, such as reagents, equipment, cell lines, and more
  • Trusted Timestamping: Use trusted timestamping methods (RFC3161 or Blockchain) to prove anteriority
  • Import/Export: Export lab notebooks in PDF or ZIP archive formats, and import data from other sources
  • Calendar: Manage booking of equipment using a calendar system
  • Support for Scientific File Formats: Support for various scientific file formats, such as LaTeX and molecule/equation editors
  • Todolist: Keep track of tasks and to-dos with the built-in todolist feature
  • Public REST API: Access lab notebook data through a public REST API
  • Advanced Permissions System: Control access to lab notebooks using an advanced permissions system
  • Audited, Secure Codebase: Benefit from an audited and secure codebase that ensures sensitive research results are protected

With eLabFTW, researchers can streamline their workflows, improve collaboration, and ensure the integrity of their data. Whether you're a researcher, scientist, or lab manager, this online lab notebook is designed to meet your needs and help you achieve your goals.


Cozy Cloud
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