
End-to-end encrypted and simple life tracking & logging.

Product Overview

Loggit is a self-hosted software for end-to-end encrypted life tracking and logging. It allows users to keep track of their habits, events, and activities while maintaining control over their data. With Loggit, you can easily add events, see their frequency, and when you last logged them. The platform also offers features like time-logging, activity charts, notifications, activity streams, discussion app, email notifications, search function, integrations with popular tools like Git, Slack, Ansible, and Docker, as well as Markdown support.

Main Features

  • End-to-end Encryption: Your data is private by default, and only you can see your logs.
  • Simple to Use: No event categorization or confusing settings. Just add events, see their frequency, and when you last logged them.
  • Self-Hosted: You can easily self-host Loggit yourself, or pay for the cloud/hosted version.
  • JSON Import/Export: Import and export events via JSON for easy data transfer and backup.
  • Source Code Available: The app's source code is available on GitHub, so you're not locked-in.
  • Time-Logging: Track time spent on issues and projects, with a sum of relative issue-time-logs.
  • Activity Charts: Keep an eye on the progress of a specific project in both aspects: time management and activity frequency.
  • Notifications: Receive notifications for different events, customizable in the future.
  • Activity Stream: Show the latest actions in multiple streams.
  • Discussion App: Get notified about changes or comments on a specific issue you're watching.

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Kasm Workspaces
Cozy Cloud
Star history

Star history for Loggit