
MailyGo is a small tool written in Go that allows to send HTML forms, for example from static websites without a dynamic backend, via email.

Product Overview

MailyGo is a lightweight, self-hosted tool written in Go that allows you to send HTML forms from static websites without a dynamic backend via email. This tool is designed for use cases where a traditional web server or dynamic backend is not feasible, such as when hosting a simple website with a form and no server-side processing capabilities.

Main Features

MailyGo offers several key features that make it an attractive solution for sending HTML forms:

  • HTML Form Handling: MailyGo allows you to send HTML forms via email, making it easy to collect user input without the need for a dynamic backend.
  • Static Website Integration: This tool is designed specifically for use with static websites, providing a seamless way to integrate form submission and processing.
  • Email Delivery: MailyGo sends form submissions via email, making it easy to receive notifications and process form data.
  • Customizable Configuration: The tool provides a range of configuration options to customize its behavior, including support for multiple recipients, custom subject lines, and more.
  • Lightweight and Efficient: Written in Go, MailyGo is a lightweight and efficient solution that won't slow down your website or drain system resources.

With these features, MailyGo offers a simple yet effective way to handle form submissions from static websites without the need for complex backend processing.


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