
Web user interface to access GNU Mailman.

Product Overview

Postorius is a web user interface (UI) that provides access to GNU Mailman, a popular mailing list management system. As a Django app, Postorius offers a convenient and intuitive way to manage your email lists and subscribers from within a web browser. With its user-friendly interface, Postorius simplifies the process of creating, editing, and managing mailing lists, making it an excellent choice for organizations and individuals alike.

Main Features

  1. Web-based Interface: Postorius provides a user-friendly web UI that allows you to manage your GNU Mailman installation from anywhere.
  2. Mailing List Management: Create, edit, and manage your email lists with ease, including setting up subscribers, configuring list settings, and more.
  3. Subscription Management: Allow users to subscribe or unsubscribe from mailing lists, making it easy to manage your list's membership.
  4. Customizable: Postorius offers a range of customization options, enabling you to tailor the UI to fit your organization's needs.
  5. GNU Mailman Integration: Seamlessly integrates with GNU Mailman, ensuring that all changes made through Postorius are reflected in your Mailman installation.

By providing an intuitive and user-friendly web interface for managing mailing lists, Postorius simplifies the process of email list management, making it an excellent choice for organizations and individuals alike.


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