
Self-hosted music scrobble database (alternative to

Product Overview

Maloja is a self-hosted music scrobble database that allows you to track your listening habits over time. It's an alternative to and provides a way to keep a record of the music you listen to, without relying on third-party services. With Maloja, you can scrobble music from various sources such as Spotify, Plex, and more, and view statistics and logs about your listening history.

Main Features

Maloja offers several key features that make it an attractive option for those looking for a self-hosted music scrobble solution:

  • Multi-source scrobbling: Maloja supports scrobbling from multiple sources, including Spotify, Plex, Subsonic-compatible APIs, Jellyfin, WebScrobbler, YouTube Music,, ListenBrainz, Deezer, MPRIS (Linux Desktop), Mopidy, JRiver, and Kodi.
  • Multi-client support: Maloja can scrobble to multiple clients, including Maloja itself,, and ListenBrainz.
  • Web interface: A web server interface provides access to statistics, basic control, and detailed logs about your listening history.
  • Robust handling of credentials: Maloja uses persistent authorization through an app and provides smart handling of credentials.
  • Easy configuration: Configuration can be done using environmental variables or JSON files.
  • Containerization: Maloja is highly recommended to run in a Docker or Podman container, which simplifies installation and management.

To get started with Maloja, you'll need to install the software on your machine. The minimum requirements are an x86 or ARM machine running Python, with at least 500 MB RAM and a single core passmark score of 1500. However, performance will benefit greatly from up to 2 GB of RAM.

For installation, you can use Docker or Podman, which provides a straightforward way to set up Maloja. You'll need to pull the latest image or check out the repository and use the included Containerfile. Additionally, you'll need to pass some environmental variables to the container, such as MALOJA_ SKIP_SETUP, MALOJA_FORCE_PASSWORD, and MALOJA_DATA_DIRECTORY. Finally, you'll need to mount a volume to access configuration files outside of the container.


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