
Simple, performant, configurable, entirely self-contained pastebin and URL shortener.

Product Overview

MicroBin is a self-contained web application that provides a simple and secure way to share files, texts, and URLs. It's a pastebin and URL shortener service that allows users to send long texts, large files, or sensitive documents securely. With its configurable features, MicroBin can be used in a variety of scenarios, such as sharing secrets, serving content on the web, moving files between devices, or even taking quick notes.

Main Features

MicroBin offers a range of features that make it a versatile and powerful tool for file-sharing and URL shortening. Some of its key features include:

  • File uploads: Users can upload files to MicroBin, which provides a secure and private way to share large files with others.
  • Raw text serving: MicroBin allows users to serve raw text content, making it easy to share code snippets or other text-based data.
  • QR code support: Users can generate QR codes for their uploads, making it easy to share them on the go.
  • URL shortening and redirection: MicroBin provides a URL shortener service that allows users to create shorter URLs for their uploads, making it easier to share them with others.
  • Custom styling: MicroBin supports custom styling through simple CSS, allowing users to tailor the appearance of their uploads to suit their needs.
  • Security: MicroBin uses server-side and client-side encryption to ensure that user data is secure and private.
  • Configurability: MicroBin allows users to customize its behavior and appearance to suit their specific needs.

Overall, MicroBin is a powerful and flexible tool that can be used in a wide range of scenarios. Its ease of use, security features, and configurability make it an attractive option for anyone who needs to share files or URLs securely.


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