
MindsDB is an open source self hosted AI layer for existing databases that allows you to effortlessly develop, train and deploy state-of-the-art machine learning models using standard queries.


MindsDB is an open-source self-hosted AI layer for existing databases that enables the effortless development, training, and deployment of state-of-the-art machine learning models using standard queries. With MindsDB, users can integrate data sources from various platforms, including databases, vector stores, and applications, with popular AI/ML frameworks, such as AutoML and LLMs. This allows for the seamless implementation of customized AI systems that can be deployed in real-time.

Main Features:

  • SQL syntax enhancement: MindsDB enhances SQL syntax to enable seamless development and deployment of AI-powered applications.
  • Multi-API support: Users can interact with MindsDB not only via SQL API but also via REST APIs, Python SDK, JavaScript SDK, and MongoDB-QL.
  • Integration with various data sources: MindsDB integrates with numerous data sources, including databases, vector stores, and applications.
  • AI/ML framework support: MindsDB supports popular AI/ML frameworks, such as AutoML and LLMs.
  • Real-time deployment: Users can deploy and fine-tune models in real-time using MindsDB.

By leveraging these features, MindsDB empowers developers to build AI-powered apps using universal tools they already know, making it an attractive solution for organizations looking to integrate AI into their existing workflows.


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